So, you decided to take the plunge. You don't want to be just blonde or brunette and basic red isn't your style. No. Not you. You're more of the rainbow, mermaid, unicorn type. You opted for a fashion color.

You sit for hours at the salon, lifting out old hair color or lightening your natural. Your tresses get blow dried, then the mystical bold colors come out.. now you're getting excited.

1) When you wash, only use COLD water. Hot water opens up the cuticle and your color will go right down the drain.
2) Shampoo with sulfate-free, salt-free shampoos. I highly suggest ColorProof's Baobab Shampoo and Condition . This system is so gentle, and strengthens your hair. (Remember, your stylist pre-lightened your hair. You need to replace proteins and moisture that is lost!)

4) Every time you use a hot tool (blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron... etc.) use a heat protector! Heat opens up the cuticle. I have seen color literally disappear after one pass of the flat iron.

6) It's important to blow dry your hair after you get it wet. If you hair is left to dry from its wet state, the water fills up with pigments and can stain your skin, clothes, and anything else it touches. Good news, by using a heat protector while blow drying, you will be sealing in your color!
Long live your color and many great hair days to you!
Here's some Fashion Color Inspiration:
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