
Basic Hair Care Habits For More Great Hair Days

Shampooing Tips 

I know, you're saying.. "...really? Of course I know how to shampoo my hair." Well, you might not. There are a few common mistakes that can add up to tangles and split ends. When your hair is wet, it is in a weaker state than when it is dry. Extra care needs to be taken while you cleanse! 

*Start with wet hair, it is a good idea to rinse as much as possible with just water.
* If you are using a premium shampoo like ColorProof Evolved Color Care, put a dime size in your palm. Rub your hands together to get the lather started. This ensures that you don't waste valuable product and better enables you to cleanse your whole scalp without reaching for more. 
*With the lather-activated shampoo in your hands, apply it to scalp and give yourself a good scalp massage. You deserve it. 
*When shampooing, focus on the scalp. One thing you want to avoid is balling up your hair from the ends and scrubbing your scalp from there. This creates tangles and snags, which can in turn break your hair. 
*After you have sufficiently cleansed your locks, rinse thoroughly. Rinse, rinse, rinse!   

Conditioning Tips 

*First, choosing the right conditioner for your hair's current state is very important. Your hair stylist can help you find the right one for your needs. 
*A common mistake with conditioner is over use. Like shampoo, put a small amount in your palm and rub hands together. 
*Start applying your conditioner to the ends of your hair and work your way up to the scalp. 
*Follow instructions on the back of the bottle to know how long to let the conditioner set. Then, rinse! 

Aerosol Spray Tips 

I just recently learned about this one. Hairsprays, shine sprays, texture sprays, dry shampoo sprays... this is for anything that uses a propellant to get the product out of the can.  

*Use only short, controlled bursts of spray to use the product. This recharges the can, mixing the appropriate ratio of propellant and product in each spray. It's important to maintain the proper ratio, if you don't... you end up with product left in the can and no way to get it out! That is a bad hair day. 

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